žžÊÓƵ product history

Updating and changing product names is sometimes necessary to bring more clarity to the solution's capabilities. Below you will find details on product name changes as they occur.

April 18, 2024

The following product name changes are in effect as of the publishing of this notice.

  • Encompass Product and Pricing Service - EPPS is now ICE PPE (Product, Pricing and Eligibility Engine)
  • Encompass Fee Solution - Ernst Fees w/ Tax for Loan Estimates is now ICE Fee Solutions
  • Encompass Fee Solution - Ernst Monitoring is now ICE Fee Solutions Monitoring
  • Encompass Fee Solution - Tax for Loan Estimates is now ICE Tax for Loan Estimation
  • Encompass Fee Solution - Tax for Closing Disclosures is now ICE Tax for Closing Disclosures
July 18, 2023

AIQ is now ICE Data & Document Automation and ICE Mortgage Analyzers

In addition to the overall product name change, as an žžÊÓƵ customer you will notice these additional changes.

Please note the following changes for our Mortgage Automation solutions:

  • Digital Loan Intake is now Document Automation
  • Data Loanboarding is now Data Automation
  • Document Indexing is now Document Validation
  • No changes to Data Validation
  • No changes to the Analyzer solutions

Learn more about ICE Data & Document Automation

Learn more about ICE Mortgage Analyzers


Email us at Communications-MortgageTech@ice.com